Create/Contribute an Appeal as an Individual:
We provide a single platform to create/contribute an appeal for a good cause for a better tomorrow as an individual. Which is related to an Education, Health Care, Children Needs, Elderly care and Adopt A Village..etc...
So, for that you need to register with the basic information (this information wouldn’t be shared with others in any circumstances) and once permission granted, that appeal could be listed. The listed appeals can be searched using the filters provided. All you need to do is search an appeal from the filters provided and after selecting an appeal, contribute as you wish. Contributing to the service could be anything, your physical presence in helping the cause like participating in an event, servicing for the teaching requirement, etc. Contributions for donations would be done through online secured gateway.
You even can able to manage your appeals from the dashboard. As an individual you can create/contribute an appeal with free of cost.
ACT registration process is simple and easy.
Create an Appeal:
We mainly focus to raise both service (volunteering) and fund rising appeals. We provide a platform to create an appeal as an individual or as an organization. So, for that you need to start clicking on ‘New Appeal’ button and register with all the mandatory information like..
Apple title
Put a relevant title to an appeal for easily understand everyone.
Amount required
It shows target amount required for an appeal..
Category of Appeal
Easy way to categories and listed in home page.
Appeal end date
it shows last date of an appeal, So, anyone can understand the seriousness of that.
Appeal summary
It says summary of an appeal.
Appeal story
It says detailed story about an appeal.
Upload Image
Here,Upload appeal related images and able to add 5 images (Max).
Add video
Here, you can directly add videos by using “YouTube URL”.
Find an Appeal:
We are providing one platform to find out all categories of appeals in ‘All Appeals’ page. All you need to do is search an appeal from the filters provided and after selecting an appeal, contribute as you wish. For fast and easy way of filtering we can provide filter by as follows
It categorize the appeal like Adopt a village, Health care, Education…etc
Charity Organization
It filters to show the required charity organization appeals.
Sort Appeals By
It sort by date and amount. So you sort all appeals by using options.
- Ending fast
- Latest Appeals
- Amount Required: Low to High
- Amount Required: High to Low
- Amount Reached: Low to High
- Amount Reached: High to Low
Contribute an Appeal:
At Act, you can contribute to an appeal which you can contribute either lending your service or donating amount. We are providing to contribute as an individual or as an organization. All you need to do is search an appeal from the filters provided and after selecting an appeal, contribute as you wish.
Contributing to the service could be anything, your physical presence in helping the cause like participating in an event, servicing for the teaching requirement, etc.

Contributions for donations would be done through PAYU Money secured gateway. You can able to manage your donations from your dash board.
Individual registration process
User can register with ACT for free and raise his appeal.
ACT site will globalize the user appeal using its technological platform.
ACT site allows user to share their appeals using Facebook social media platform.By which the donations for the appeal will be received and the user appeal will be justified.
Member (Non profit organisation) registration process
ACT donation platform also supports other NGOs to raise funds to achieve objectives and to fund for the social causes.
Members can register with ACT for free and raise their appeal.
ACT will provide technical assistance to the members and will also provide them with a website for their organisation through which they can view all they raised appeals and can also publish their appeals from their end .
ACT site will globalize the appeals made by members using its technological platform.
ACT site will allows user to share their appeals using Facebook social media platform.By which the donations for the appeal will be received and the user appeal will be justified.
Beware ,Since other sites claim to be '100 % Free', But they will simply charge the donors as a result less donations will be accumalated.Fees always apply when accepting online payment transactions.